Chloe Victoria French

If you've somehow stumbled upon this blog, then hi. I'm Chloe, just a 19 year old girly, currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at uni.

For about four years I have read many many blogs that inspired or influenced me in my studies or just my individual lifestyle. Whether it's fashion, beauty, fitness, diet etc, I love love love reading different people's opinions, thoughts and feelings on everything, so why not put mine into the blogosphere? 

I'm known to be quite a confident and honest person (however, I can't deal with confrontation so be nice), so with my opinions I won't be afraid to say what I want as at the end of the day, this is MY place to vent, nobody else's.

I thought I would quickly introduce myself as my first post just to set it off really. I love to write and one of my favourite modules within my course is the journalism side of things. I will write about anything and everything. Somedays I may write about my day, especially if it's a bad one, because I like to get things of my chest just so I don't dwell on things too much, that's not good for anybody. 

So, that's enough of me rabbiting on about not much at all, but like I said I wanted to introduce myself.

Stay tuned...

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